I am an inspiration to other actresses - Anarkali

Former Southern Provincial Councillor and popular actress Anarkali Akarsha spoke to on her journey as a politician so far, her decision to re-contest and on the need for the public to set high standards when choosing their representatives. . . 

Q: How has your journey as a politician been so far? 
It has been amazing and I feel blessed to have been the only and youngest female to be elected to the Southern Provincial Council. I have received the support of all the fellow councillors and as a former Provincial Councillor, the experiences I gained have reshaped who I am and made me grow in many forms.

Q: Will you be re-contesting for the upcoming Southern PC polls?
Yes, I will be contesting from the Matara district. I am over the moon about being able to reach a position that realised an aspiration I have had since my childhood. I always wished to become an inspiration for others and I have now become an encouragement for many fellow actresses to enter politics. 
I have always conducted myself very respectfully and I am glad that many others have now decided to come forward and follow in my footsteps in the field of politics.

Q: In what ways have you contributed for the betterment of the people in the Galle district, as one of their local government representatives? 
 The manner in which we are able to reach out to the people is very different from being a MP. Our work is mainly based on village level projects that include infrastructure development as well as fulfilling health and education requirements. I believe that during my tenure I have worked in all those aspects and been able to help many people. I feel blessed to have been able to understand the system of politics. Although I had the chance to contest the General Elections soon after being elected as a Provincial Councillor, I decided against it because I believed firmly in the chance to be able to lay a firm foundation for my political career as a PC member. 
It is a common perception among many today that politics is all about showing off  power, wealth and sticking poster bills along roads. But it is time the present system changed, and existent as well as aspiring politicians realised that what is important is your ability to change people’s lives for the better. The constant need among present politicians to outshine each other and cross over to other parties only goes to show their instability. It is imperative that the public understands that such actions undermine their credibility as politicians and therefore set high standards when choosing their future representatives.

Q: What are your comments about the present trend of local celebrities entering the political fray?
It is very easy to believe that it is a trend essential to bag more votes, but popularity alone will not sustain. Besides, I also believe it is unnecessary for a political party that has done phenomenally well and have won the love of the people to resort to fielding candidates based on their fame or outer appearances. 
If I speak of the previous Southern PC polls, I wasn’t the only actress who was contesting; Susantha Chandramali, a senior actress was contesting from the Hambantota district but she did not get elected. That goes to show that popularity is not the only factor that people consider when voting. 
It is also important that the decision to enter politics is made owing to an individual’s love for it – not because of the pressure or beckoning of the husband, friend or a political party.  Personally speaking, I was inspired by my grandparents and I wanted to further engage in my passion for humanitarian work. So I hope the new entrants to politics, particularly the artistes, can look back at their decision and know that it was due to their personal choice and not because they were brainwashed into it. 
It is unfortunate the way artistes entering politics have presently turned into a joke or a conversation-starter. But at least after the PC polls, the parties should consider a different way of choosing their candidates in the future.

Q: What are your political aspirations? 
At present my focus is on the upcoming Southern PC polls- I hope I will be re-elected by the people of Matara to use the knowledge I have gathered so far through my experiences as a politician, to serve them and thereby, take up my interest in serving people, by another notch. During my tenure as a Provincial Councillor in Galle, one thing that most people told me was that they knew they had made the right choice by voting for me, because I did not cause any mayhem and always conducted myself respectfully like a lady and I hope to be always seen in that light. I also wish to better myself as a politician and in the near future, to be elected as a MP.

We need a change of government - Nadeesha Hemamali

Popular actress Nadeesha Hemamali recently made her debut into the political arena, with the announcement that she would be contesting under the United National Party (UNP) ticket in the upcoming Southern Provincial Council elections. spoke with her regarding her political vision, her preparations for the upcoming elections and her thoughts on the country’s present political situation.


Q: You have been nominated by the UNP a month ago to contest the Southern Provincial Council elections. What have you been doing so far in preparation for it? 
Yes, I am hoping to contest from Ambalangoda for the UNP. I have decided that it is high time for me to get involved more in my political work. My priority is to serve the country. I have always been involved with social services and I will continue that work even if I am elected. I think my involvement in social services and humanitarian work should help to convince the voters that I want to help them in my capacity. 

Q: A lot of the female politicians say that their main priority is to help women and build women’s empowerment. Is this the case with you too? 
Actually my intention is not just to help women. Whether they are women, men or children, I want to serve everyone in the country. I always want to make Sri Lanka a better place for its citizens.  

Q:So how do you plan to help the citizens of the country? 
I have many plans in mind and there is so much that could be done if I am elected. I believe we need a change in the current system and in order to achieve that we need to change the current government. We need to eradicate corruption which is rampant in every nook and corner. We all need our peace of mind and we can’t get that if there isn’t a change in the system. 
The other thing is the cost of living which is an unbearable burden on the ordinary people of the country. As a part of the ordinary population, I too feel this burden. I am very much against it and so is my party. Therefore I want to change that and lessen the burden on the people. Stopping the suffering of the country’s citizens is an urgent need. 
I am working with my party to do everything I can to serve the people of this country to the best of my capacity. 

Q:  How has the other party members responded to you so far? 
They have all been very supportive and friendly. And I believe, as a party we can make a huge difference in the country’s political atmosphere.

Q: There have been many actresses and other popular figures seeking nominations to contest the elections. You being an actress yourself, do you believe it would have a positive effect on the country’s political situation? 
As potential candidates, they all have a right to contest the elections. And of course, they can make a positive change if they have a clear vision, good policies and are able to make wise decisions. They should be allowed to proceed with their work, and time will tell whether they are suitable to be in politics or not. 

Q: Why do you think people should vote for you? 
I have a good vision and I will be happy to represent the people of this country. I am loyal and dedicated to my cause. I am not a corrupt person; I am genuine and I sincerely want to do a service to the people of the country. I want to make a positive change in politics. 
I am a beloved and popular actress in the country and of course some will vote for me based on that. Others will vote for me because they agree with my vision and my policies. Either way, if I am elected I will serve every citizen of the country and if they give me a chance and some time, I will be able to prove it to them.

Q: You mentioned that you have a strong vision to make a change in the country. What is it?
Like I mentioned before, my vision is to make a positive change by serving the people of the country and by putting an end to their sufferings. I am fully supportive of my party’s policies. I believe that together with the UNP, I will be able to achieve my goals and make Sri Lanka a better place for its citizens.

I wil not cross over - Gayantha

There have been media reports that United National Party Member of Parliament Gayantha Karunathillake might cross over to the government’s side.   spoke to him regarding these allegations as well as about the internal party conflicts.

Q: There are certain media reports that you will be crossing over to the UPFA. Is there any truth in this? 
A: Absolutely not! These allegations are not true. My party is the United National Party and I have no intention of joining any other party. To my knowledge there is no conspiracy of any sort against me and I have not felt any pressure to leave the party. I am the only UNP representative from the Galle district and I will be doing my best to support the UNP in the upcoming Southern Provincial Council elections. 

Q: Well then, what about Deputy Speaker, Chandima Weerakkody’s statement that you were intending to leave the UNP due to problems with its leader? 
I don’t know why he would make such a statement. To my knowledge there isn’t any reason for him to say something of that sort. These reports about my crossing over are only rumours and I must emphasize that there is no truth in them.

Q: We have also heard that there is some internal unrest in the UNP due to Maithree Gunaratne not being nominated to contest in the Southern Provincial Council elections. What are your comments about this? 
 Well, it is not that we have rejected their nominations. It is just that we have not announced the list yet, as we have not finalised all the nominations yet.  We have some details to be sorted out and some issues to be ironed out. We are in the process of discussing these matters right now. We will announce the nomination list as soon as these minor details are finalised.

Q: Don’t you think that these internal conflicts in the party would affect the party’s stability and unity? 
Like I said, in the Southern Province, we don’t have any major problems. I am the representative for Galle and there are no issues in my district. The issues we do have are very minor and we are in the midst of sorting them out.

Q: Do you believe that UNP has a chance to win the Southern Provincial Council elections in the current context? 
As always, we will contest with the hope of winning and being elected. As soon as the nominations are finalised, the election campaigning will begin. But we have a challenge ahead of us and of course we will have to work hard. In the end, it is the people’s decision. 

Q: What are your thoughts about the spate of young actresses entering the political fray? Especially those like Nadeesha Hemamali who is contesting under the UNP ticket for the Southern Provincial Council elections? 
Yes, Nadeesha Hemamali will be contesting from Ambalangoda. I believe she will do her best and I think she will be able to rake up the youth vote in the area as she is a popular actress. People will decide whether she is fit to represent them. As for me, I will support her as well as all the other candidates from my party wholeheartedly.




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