Govt. invites UNP to join Select Committee

The Government extended a fresh invitation to the main opposition United National Party (UNP) to join the proposed Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) to evolve a political solution to the national question.

During question time, Chief Government Whip Dinesh Gunawardane told parliament that it was important for the UNP as the main opposition political party to join this select committee.

“It is better for the UNP to participate in it and submit its proposals,” he said.

The Chief Whip said this when UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe asked whether action would be taken to establish an independent police commission as recommended by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC).

Mr. Wickremesinghe said the Government had agreed, at a meeting with the opposition including the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), to present a formula for political negotiations.

“It is yet to be revealed so that we can participate,” he said and added that the government should promise to repeal the 18th Amendment and reintroduce the 17th Amendment for the establishment of independent commissions.

“If you give us that assurance, we can join the PSC,” he said.

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