Govt. failed to allocate funds for salary increments: Public Servants

Public servants who yesterday charged that the government had failed to allocate funds for the salary increments for them are preparing them selves for a show down in order to win their long standing demands.

Public Services Trade Union Confederation General Secretary Saman Ratnapriya told the Daily Mirror that they would be meeting Monday (October 31) to decide on their future course of action in order to win their demands.

Mr. Ratnapriya charged that government had turned a deaf ear to their demands as no extra funds have been allocated for the payment of salaries in the appropriation account. He said only a minimal sum of Rs.70 billion had been allocated to the health care sector while only Rs.33 billion had been set aide for education. This he said is a clear indication that the public servants in these sectors are not going to get their demands at this budget as well. (Yohan Perera)

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