Four Narahenpita police personnel remanded

The Colombo Vacation Court Magistrate has remanded four police personnel attached to the Narahenpita Police on charges of having forcibly obtained Rs.1,030 from an aviation engineering student and sexually harassing a girl who was with him at the Narahenpita Krimandala Mawatha police checkpoint on Friday night.

The arrests were made by the CID on orders from the Colombo Division DIG after the student Shehan Wickremasinghe complained to him that on Friday night he had gone with a girl to a restaurant at Narahenpita and when returning home at about 10.00pm his car was stopped at the checkpoint and their documents checked by four police personnel. They had threatened to take them to the police station and have them remanded and demanded a bribe if they were to be set free.

The student in his complaint said at that stage one of the policemen had taken the student’s wallet from the driving seat and removed ten one hundred rupee notes, a twenty rupee note and a ten rupee note from it.

Police constables were produced before Magistrate Prasan Ranasinghe and ordered to be remanded till January 4, pending an identification parade. (T. Farook Thajudeen)

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