Children used as pawns in porn websites

The special police unit of the National Child Protection Authority has uncovered details of 50 locally designed porn websites some of which portraying under-aged girls in school uniforms.

A senior officer of the authority said these websites were freely accessible to anyone by the internet with the use of mobile phones.

Police are now are trying to establish the identity of those who had posed in these websites.

When a detailed report of the existence of these websites was handed over to the Battaramulla Children’s Judicial Magistrate Ms M. M. Jayasekara on Wednesday, she had directed the national Child Protection Authority to forward the said report to the Attorney General for his advice. The Magistrate made this order after viewing some of the porn scenes in these websites.

A police team headed by Police Child and Women’s Bureau deputy director Ms Lanka Rajini Amarasena is continuing further investigations under the guidance director Jayantha Wickramasinghe. (Srinath Prasanna Jayasuriya)

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