CCTV cameras along the Southern Expressway     Follow

Close Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras have been installed along the Southern Expressway to prevent accidents, to monitor the selling of tickets and to control speed violations

These CCTV cameras have been installed at all eight entry points to the toll way from Kottawa to Pinnaduwa in Galle district. The move will help the Southern Expressway Traffic Division to curb down the motorists who violate the 100 kilometers per hour speed limit. 
A new hotline 1989 is also to be introduced for the users of highways in the country with the opening of the Southern Expressway on November 27.
The hotline will help the motorists of the Expressway to get access to accident service, fire brigade, ambulance and police. The division will consist with nearly 500 personnel equipped with modern cars, motorbikes, jeeps, ambulances, bowsers, two trucks and fire trucks. 
The police have imported Subaru police patrol cars which are renowned for their high engine capacity and exceeding the 100 km/ph barrier within few seconds.
According to the police a new division was required since traffic regulations on the expressways are different from the normal traffic laws. The new division of expressway traffic is administered by a Deputy Inspector General (DIG) with powers vested similar to the Western Province Traffic DIG. (Supun Dias)

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