Bus strike called off

 ByBByBy Gandhya Senanayake

The private bus strike which was scheduled to commence
tomorrow has been called off following discussions with the Western Province Transport Minister Upali Kodikara, Private Bus Owners Association (PBOA) President Gemunu Wijeratne told Daily Mirror online.  

He added that a price reduction was agreed upon at the meeting and accordingly a route permit would be Rs. 500 while other permits will also be reduced.

Earlier PBOA President Gemunu Wijerathne had stated that if the prices revision was not withdrawn by Monday that the bus operators would have to pass the increase of cost to the commuters at the next price revision in July.  

The increases of fees on bus route permits which were done after seven years and were marginal according to the Western Province Road Passenger Transport Authority were to be effective from the 1st of August. (Daily Mirror online)



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