'Boat arrival a game changer'

The Premier Colin Barnett has labelled the arrival of an asylum seeker boat off the Mid West coast as a "game changer".

The boat carrying 66 asylum seekers sailed into Geraldton's harbour yesterday undetected.

Those on board told authorities they had sailed from Sri Lanka and been at sea for 44 days.

It is the first time in five years an asylum seeker boat has reached the mainland.

Mr Barnett has labelled the incident extraordinary and strange and says the breach highlights major flaws in the nation's border security.

He says it could also open the door for foreign crime syndicates to arrive in the state undetected.

"I think it is a game changer, I'm not blaming anyone for this, I think something different has happened," he said.

The Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare has ordered a review into the incident.

Buses transported the single men to the Northam detention centre while other men, women and children were taken to units in a Perth suburb.

The Immigration Department says all 66 asylum seekers would be processed at Christmas Island, but it will not say when they are due to fly there. (ABC News)

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