BIA Airport requests passengers to report early

By Roel Raymond
Authorities at Sri Lankan Airlines have requested passengers flying out of the country to report to the Bandaranayke International Airport at least four hours early in order to avoid heavy congestion at the Immigration Counters.
Controller for the Immigrations and Emigration Department P.B Abeykoon speaking to Daily Mirror online explained that the congestion that built up at the counters was due to a Work-To-Rule campaign initiated by employees as of today.
He explained that the employees at the Department had made three requests, that is; that Salary Anomalies be rectified, a Service Minute be implemented and an Incentive Scheme be implemented.
While the Incentive Scheme had been approved, Abeykoon explained that the other two demands had not yet been addressed as they were directly linked to other services such as Customs and Labour.
He said that the requests had been forwarded to the Salary and Cadre Commission for approval and that they were in the process of being looked into but said that the Commission had asked for more time to study the demands.
Abeykoon said that unfortunately the employees at the Immigrations Counters had decided to go ahead with a Work To Rule action that had resulted in the delay and congestion at the Airport.
He said however that talks with the Trade Unions were in progress and that he was confident that a solution to the issue would be reached shortly. Abeykoon also apologized to the public for the inconvenience caused by the ‘go slow’ action.

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