BBS condemns EU ruling

While condemning the decision taken by the European Union to end the ban on LTTE, the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) organisation said today the government should take steps to curb separatist elements that were still active in the country.
BBS General Secretary Ven. Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thera said the Government should first take action to control groups that were helping the LTTE within the country.

“The extremists groups who create problems to divide the country are still active and this decision by the EU is a great opportunity for LTTE supporters to create violence inside the country once again. Therefore the government should take action against those who still support the LLTE within the country,” he said.  

He said there were three fronts inside the LTTE -- the military front, political front and international front. “The war ended the military front within the country but political and international fronts are still active in some places around the world and even inside the country,” the Thera said.(Yoshitha Perera)


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