Army insists video was staged

 By Gandhya Senanayake

 The Army today reiterated the fact that the alleged execution video, showing armed men in military uniform killing blind-folded men, was staged.

In response to the Special rapporteur of the UN Philip Alston’s allegation, Army Spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara told Daily Mirror online that the Army had conducted their own investigations earlier regarding the alleged video and that the Army stands by their experts conclusion that the video was staged.

He added that the visuals, audio and every angle of the alleged video were investigated thoroughly by the experts and that analysis concluded that the video was staged and was not authentic.

 Further the UN reports claim that the video was taken from a mobile, which differs from the Army’s claim that it was taken from a video camera, which can not be the only basis for analysis and the final verdict he added.

 Concluding, Brigadier Nanayakkara stated that this was an attempt to tarnish the image of the Sri Lankan Army but that the Army stood by their experts’ conclusion like others stood by theirs.   

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