Amza intervenes at Ch4 screening at EU

The Channel 4 documentary “No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka” was screened at the European Parliament on Tuesday and an intervention was made by Sri Lankan Ambassador to the EU P. M. Amza, the Sri Lankan Mission in Brussels said.

In his statements he noted that there were erroneous facts and figures presented in the programme, which were formulated based on a biased agenda propagated by anti-Sri Lankan elements.

The screening was jointly organised by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and International Crisis Group.

Ambassador Amza pointed out that the allegations within the documentary were unfounded since assumptions were being drawn on eyewitness accounts that were ambiguous. To strengthen his case he drew on previously quoted and unfounded allegations made by foreign media. Additionally he noted that as a native Tamil speaker he was able to identify the blatant misrepresentations made within the programme.

The full statement by the Sri Lankan Embassy in Brussels follows:

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