AL student bitten by a snake during exam

A private GCE (AL) candidate had been bitten by a rat snake (garandiya) inside the examination hall at  Sri Medhalankara Vidyalaya, Horana.

Her father W. Wimalasena of Akurukalawita, Yala in Horana has asked for redresson behalf of her.

He said his daughter had been depressed since the chief invigilator had applied pressure on her to make a statement that the incident did not take place inside the examination hall.

The victim is Thanuja Wimalka who was to sit for the exam in the science stream for the third time.  

The student said she had been sitting for the Biology Paper on August 5. She had felt a sudden sharp pain in a toe of right foot at about 2 p.m.

She said, “I thought a snake had bitten mytoe. I moved my desk and stood up. Two students sitting near me also stood up. I was in the front row. The hall was full of dirt.

“My toe started bleeding. Some teachers came up to me. Someone said a rat snake had bitten me. Others said it may have been a venomous snake.
“A teacher bandaged my foot and asked me to go ahead with answering the paper. I was upset. I could not concentrate on the paper. I wrote down answers even without looking at the question paper. My answer script was collected along with the others.” (Tharindu Jayawardene)

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