A/L re-corrections: Postal Dept. earnings increase

The Inter-University Student Federation (IUSF) said today that the Anuradhapura Post Office had earned more than Rs.200,000 on Tuesday (3) owing to the large number of youth who had applied for the Advanced Level Exam re-corrections.

IUSF Convener Sanjeewa Bandara said that 70% of the 300,000 students who had sat for the exam had applied for re-correction.

“If so many students had applied for re-correction, it means that a majority of youth do not accept the results released by the Examinations Department,” Bandara said.

He alleged that the government was using the controversy surrounding the errors in the Advanced Level result to its advantage by collecting more funds from the people for the re-correction applications.

“Thousands of students throughout the country are in the process of applying for re-correction. If one post office had earned such big revenue, then imagine the large number of funds collected throughout the country,” he said.

Commenting on Minister Dullas Alahapperuma’s recent statements that the fault lies with three data entry operators, who had failed to enter the correct information, Bandara said the government was trying to put the blame on another party without taking responsibility for the blunders.

“The Education Ministry will not take responsibility for the mistakes and are yet to explain to the public on what basis the Z-score formula was calculated. The people are still left in the dark. We challenge the government on this issue and will continue to protests against this until the authorities settle this issue,” he said. (Olindhi Jayasundere)

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