Akashi due here tomorrow

Representative of the Government of Japan for Peace-Building, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction in Sri Lanka Yasushi Akashi will arrive in the island tomorrow.

His visit concerns the recent developments in the country with regards to the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission Report and the release of the National Action Plan on Human Rights, according to the Japanese Embassy in Colombo.

He will remain in the country till the end of the week.

The Government of Japan considers that consequent to the end of the armed conflict of more than 25 years in May 2009, the Government of Sri Lanka is tackling post-conflict issues such as the resettlement of IDPs, reintegration of ex-LTTE combatants, rehabilitation and reconstruction in the conflict-affected areas.

The national action plan to implement recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission has been also released recently.
During his stay, Mr. Akashi will meet government officials and representatives of the ruling and opposition parties as well as members of civil societies, and emphasize the importance of national reconciliation toward the establishment of lasting peace. He is also scheduled to visit the Northern Province of Sri Lanka to study the latest developments in the conflict-stricken zone.
For Mr. Akashi, this will be the 22nd visit to Sri Lanka since he assumed the post in 2002. (Dianne Silva)

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