A dictator is a ruler who does not hold elections-MR

A dictator is a ruler who does not conduct polls and works according to his own agendas but this government has restored democracy and taken steps to hold elections in the North. Therefore, no one can accuse this government of being a dictatorship, said President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Addressing the 62nd annual convention of the SLFP at the Maligapitiya Grounds in Kurunegala today he added that the government treated all religions alike but that Buddhism had been provided with   Constitutional safeguards and the government could not do anything about that.

“It is no secret that certain powerful foreign and local elements are trying to create divisions between the communities and religions to bring anti government groups to power and bring this country under their heel. They should realise that this government has the blessings of the masses who love this country, and its culture and values who therefore would never allow them to succeed,” he said.(Sandun A. Jayasekera)

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