We are considering Ministry proposals: SAITM head

The South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM) said yesterday they were considering the proposals set out by Ministry of Higher Education and University Grants Commission and that they would have further discussions with the relevant authorities.  

SAITM Chairman Neville Fernando said in a statement that the SAITM would cooperate and support the government’s future measures applicable to non state medical education with a broader objective of ensuring standards of medical graduates.  

“Without any prejudice to the rights of the graduates granted through the Court of Appeal decision, we are considering the proposals set out by Ministry of Higher Education and University Grants Commission and we will have further discussions with the relevant authorities,” he said.  

He said the SAITM had fullest confidence that the Government and legal system of Sri Lanka would take all necessary measures to ensure that their students are treated fairly and given equal opportunity.   

The Higher Education Ministry earlier proposed to suspend the admission of students to SAITM for six months until the completion of the periodic review on its medical degree programme to refer students who already completed the degree to undergo a month each on clinical training in Medicine, Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics in a state hospital following a discussion with the medical faculty deans.

They also proposed that the SAITM students would have to pass a licensing examination conducted by the SLMC.

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