Vedda chief wants his people protected from the pandemic     Follow

Vedda Chief Wanaspathi Uruwarige Vannila Ettho said the Covid-19 pandemic was spreading in remote areas making his community too vulnerable, and therefore the authorities concerned should pay attention to protect his people.

He told the media that his people had turned out to be a high risk group given the high number of cases in the Badulla district. He said 173 patients had been reported from Rideemaliyedda area and about another 200 from several other areas including Tissapura and Gemunupura in Mahiyangana.

“The virulent disease is spreading in Kandeketiiya and Badulla areas as well. However the politicians in power, the health authorities or the security forces have not paid any attention to this situation. Young men and women who worked in factories are now concealing information about their contacts with the infected and move with others in market places and other public places,” he said

He said the pandemic would cause much havoc in the remote areas soon, if the Government and the relevant authorities ignored the impending danger.(Ranjith Karunaweera)

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