Unregulated spending on infrastructure development not wise: SF

Regional Development Minister Sarath Fonseka yesterday warned that it was not wise to invest colossal amounts on infrastructure development just to get a political advantage as Sri Lanka was still a poor, debt ridden country.

Minister Fonseka said his ministry expected to encourage investors to invest in areas away from the townships.

While participating at the launch of an exhibition in Colombo, Minister Fonseka said Sri Lanka should cut down on imports while encouraging exports to save as well as earn foreign exchange.

He said the present government had created an environment where the business community could engage in their business activities without any obstacles being placed in front of them.

“The President and the Prime Minister have formed a national unity government, established democracy and ensured human rights in a country where everyone can work freely. The rule of law and justice prevails in the country today and this has enabled the people to do business without offering bribes or being held to ransom,” he said.

Minister Fonseka said the government was making a sincere attempt to pull the country out of a large hole where the economy was collapsing as a result of the fake development projects launched by the previous regime after obtaining colossal loans at interest rates that were very high. (Ajith Siriwardana)

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