Two arrested for distributing A/L Chemistry leaflets     Follow

A tuition teacher’s father and brother were arrested when found distributing leaflets outside the Rathnaveli Balika Vidyalaya at Gampaha which contained some of the questions in the A/L Chemistry paper discussed at his seminars, Police said.

They said the tuition teacher from Gampahanow gone missing has also been involved in the distribution of a leaked test paper.

The Gampaha Police said the suspects were residents of Batagama South in Kandana and they had recovered a Tab whose data contained the A/L Chemistry questions.

When contacted, Commissioner General of Examinations, W.M.N.J. Pushpakumara said the paper had been leaked only after the exam started. "Therefore the A/L Chemistry question paper would not be suspended," he said.

“Police informed us that the distribution had occurred after the examination had started. It has been revealed that the suspect had received the questions at 9.15 a.m. Someone may have transmitted the questions using a mobile device,” he said.(Thilanka Kanakarathna)

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