Speaker and Sec-Gen had been forced to annul Geetha’s seat: JO

Speaker Karu Jayasuriya and the Secretary General of Parliament had been forced to annul the MP post of Geetha Kumarasinghe, the Joint Opposition yesterday alleged.

Addressing a press briefing, MP Wasudeva Nanayakkara said the JO has no doubt that Ms. Kumarasinghe’s removal was a result of a political revenge and alleged that the Attorney-General had forced the House to inform its decision to the Election Commission.

He said Parliament has violated the privileges of it’s members by not giving a sufficient time to appeal against the court ruling.

“According to the law, at least 42 days should be given to appeal against a court ruling before it was enforced. It had been only four days passed since the date of the Appeal Court ruling,” he said.

He said revoking the Parliament seat of Ms. Kumarasinghe was a result of a coup steered by the government with certain the SLFP members.

MP Nanayakkara said by unseating Ms. Kumarasinghe the House has ignored the peoples mandate.

Speaking on the matter MP Dullas Alahapperuma said that he didn’t expect that Parliament would take such a decision as they met Speaker on Friday where he promised to give enough time to appeal on the ruling.

MP Alahapperuma requested Speaker Karu Jayasuriya not to let down Parliament by damaging its image through the interference of Government politicians.

However, he said Speaker Jayasuriya has enough time to revise his decision and let the justice to be served. (Thilanka Kanakarathna)

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