Several absconding Sri Lankan returnees are those who had traveled to Italy illegally

Several Sri Lankan nationals who have returned from Italy but are now absconding the quarantine procedures, are those who had fled to Italy illegally and do not have the necessary documentation, military sources told the Daily Mirror. However authorities are making an appeal to these returnees to register with the police and get themselves admitted to the hospital if they have been infected or undergo the necessary quarantine procedures stating that they will face no legal action under humanitarian grounds. "It is most necessary that these returnees register and seek medical attention immediately if they have developed symptoms. We will not take legal action on them under humanitarian grounds, but they will face action if they do not come forward," military sources said. Teams consisting of the military, police and health workers have been making checks in the Puttalam district and Negombo area, tracing down those who had in recent weeks returned from Italy and other European countries but are absconding quarantine. Military sources said that following announcements by the authorities, many had registered with the police and were now placed under house quarantine for 2 weeks but those who were yet to register, were urged to do so immediately. Sri Lanka has so far seen 65 patients infected with the coronavirus, within 11 days since the first patient was detected last week while over 200 are under observation in the designated hospitals. (JAMILA HUSAIN)

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