SF should not have been jailed: Namal

Joint opposition MP Namal Rajapaksa said today he personally believed that imprisoning former army commander Sarath Fonseka should not have happened because he and his family members even conducted Bodi Poojas when he was injured in the bomb blast.

He said Mr. Fonseka was not dragged to the court by politically insulting him like what happens today.“He was imprisoned through a legal procedure over allegations levelled against him,” Namal said.

“We did not take revenge by politically insulting him like what happens today. I personally believe it would have been better if it did not happen,” he said.

When asked whether they regretted having taken such decisions during his father’s tenure, Namal said they never regretted taking political decisions and added that this government even regretted the killing of LTTE leader Prabhakaran.

He told the media after reporting to the Bribery commission today in connection with several complaints that the Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) should record a statement from former president Chandrika Bandaranaike on the allegation that FCID officials obtained money from the Rajapaksas.

“FCID should investigate how she came to know about it,” Namal said.

He said those who made false allegations against the Rajapaksas during election time were accusing the officials who were conducting investigations because they have nothing to say when the allegations had proved baseless. (Ajith Siriwardana)

Video by Lanka

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