Probe into surgery on wrong knee     Follow

A three-member committee is inquiring into the incident where the doctor is alleged to have operated the left knee of a 14-year-old girl instead of operating on her problamatic right knee, officials said today.

Director General of Health Services (DGHS) Dr. Palitha Mahipala said he had appointed a three-member committee on March 2 to inquire into this tragedy.

“The three-member committee headed by the Kandy General Hospital Director during its investigations will ascertain whether the doctor who performed the surgery was at fault,” he added.

Meanwhile, Government Medical Officers' Association (GMOA) spokesman Dr. Naveen de Soyza said his organization had no objections to disciplinary action being taken against the doctor if found guilty.

He said the GMOA was unable to say who was responsible without a proper investigation being carried out.

“We request the authorities to carry out investigations independently and transparently by taking into account the actual situation. We will request them to do justice for both parties ,” Dr. de Soyza said.

He said these types of incidents could occur during medical treatment because the medical procedures were based on probabilities while providing optimum care.

The girl was admitted to the Peradeniya Hospital with a swelling on her right knee but the surgical operation had been carried out on her left knee. (Kalathma Jayawardhane)

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