Phone recording system does not record time and incoming numbers: PTL CEO

Perpetual Treasuries Ltd CEO Kasun Palisena said today the phone recording system placed in the company dealers' room did not record the time or incoming call numbers and as such he was unable to provide the required PTL dealers’ phone conversations regarding specific bond transactions.

The PCoI also asked him why he did not submit answers in an affidavit as required by the it earlier.

However, in the absence of his legal representative the witness said he was prepared to provide answers on PTL's phone recording system as he had examined the recording system set up in the dealing room by himself prior to giving evidence today.

Additional Solicitor Genaral Dappula de Livera was of the view that the witness, as the CEO of PTL, should have a good knowledge about the recording system. The ASG said he only wanted to know whether the witness can say that PTL’s phone recording system reflected the times and calling numbers.

The witness said there were only serial numbers visible in the computer system with regard to the phone conversations and the system did not provide the times or incoming phone numbers.

However, during this query, ASG Livera warned the witness over his tone of voice when answering the questions put to him by the ASG.

However, intervening on the matter Justice Prasanna Jayawardena questioned the witness.

Justice Jayawardena: You are giving evidence under oath, so you know what happens if you give false evidence.

W: Yes

J: Did you give all the call recordings

W: Yes I did

J: Have you looked at the computer system of the phone recording system

W: I checked it personally this morning

J: So everything in the dealer room at PTL is recorded

W: Yes

J: Is the time recorded in the system?

W: No

J: Is the call number recorded

W: Not recorded

When questioned by Justice Jayawardena, the witness said PTL’s phone recording system was set up by the Metropolitan Company.

J: Have you ever modified the system

W: No

J: Therefore Metropolitan should know the system's capability

W: Yes

J: Was it a customized system?

W: I need to check on that

J: Once again that would also be known by Metropolitan

In the meantime, Perpetual Treasuries Ltd concluded the evidence of CEO Kasun Palisena. President’s Counsel Nihal Fernando said yesterday he would call PTL’s back office manager Manju Priyadarshan to the commission to testify on certain technical matters. (Shehan Chamika Silva)

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