Petition requests UNP not to nominate MPs who insulted Buddhist monks

The Tri Nikayika Tharuna Bikkhu Sangamaya - an organisation of young Buddhist monks representing the three chapters - yesterday handed over a petition to the UNP leadership requesting the party not to give nominations to those MPs who had insulted Buddhist monks.

Convener of the organisation, Ven. Kotahene Narada Therea, told journalists they had decided to come to the UNP headquarters to make this request from the UNP leadership.

“We have requested the UNP leadership not to give nominations to MPs Mangala Samaraweera, Ranjan Ramanayake and Rajitha Senaratne who had insulted monks. We also request the UNP leadership not to give nominations to Dr Senaratne who had spoken on behalf of a lady who is working for the Swiss Embassy in Colombo” the Thera said.

He noted that UNP Candidate Sajith Premadasa also did not bother to condemn the insults made against monks during the presidential election.

“Mr Premadasa only issued the statement on Swiss Embassy incident,” he said. (Yohan Perera)

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