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A minor tremor measuring 1.5 in Richter scale was reported in Ekiriya village off Badulla this morning, a senior official of the Seismic Data and Tsunami Alert Centre (SDTAC) said.
She said the tremor was recorded in the four Seismic Centres situated in the country at 4.53 am.
"The tremor was recorded as a weak signal at the Pallekele, Mahakandarawa, Hakmana and Buddangala Seismic stations. No damages were reported and the tremor lasted for about a few seconds," the official said.
Ekiriya village area was not the place where the epicentre (where the quake might have been felt as very weak - shaking included) of the tremor was felt, the official said.
The epicentre was located in Meegahakivula area, he said.
A series of minor tremors felt recently in Badulla and Kandy are still being investigated, the official added. (Chaturanga Samarawickrama)