Jagath not fleeing Brazil, tenure ended: Ministry

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The Foreign Affairs Ministry today rejected reports that Sri Lankan Ambassador to Brazil, Jagath Jayasuriya fled that country following war crime charges.

Ministry Spokesperson Mahishini Colonne said Ambassador Jayasuriya’s tenure had ended and that he was scheduled to return to the country on Wednesday.

“The Ambassador, who was appointed in 2015 till 2017 is simply returning at the completion of his tenure,” she said.

On Monday, several groups of South American Human Rights activists led by the International Truth and Justice Project (ITJP) filed a war crimes lawsuits in Brazil and Colombia against the former Sri Lankan Army General, Jagath Jayasuriya.

The ITJP is a Human Rights group based in South Africa and headed by Yasmin Sooka.

Sooka had said in March that there was no way General Jayasuriya could claim that he didn’t know that torture routinely occurred in his camp.

“There were purpose built underground torture chambers, equipped with manacles, chains and pulleys for hoisting victims upside down. If the detainees could hear each other screaming at night from adjacent buildings, so could he,” she said.

Yasmin Sooka was a member of the panel of experts appointed by former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to advise him on the alleged Human Rights violations that had taken place during the final phase of the war in Sri Lanka. (Lahiru Pothmulla)

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