Friends and family claim Sydney ‘terror’ suspect was framed

Friends and family of 25-year-old Kamar Nizamdeen, who was arrested by the New South Wales Police on Thursday for alleged ‘terrorism’ charges, claimed that Nizamdeen was framed.

"He was an open minded Muslim who has been framed by someone with immense jealousy in heart. Jealousy on his accolades, his position and the type of character he has developed,” his 19-year-old brother said in a posting that is being circulated on Social Media.

Another friend, Shehan Bhavan posting on Facebook questioned as to the credibility of the evidence against him.

"Why would an IT savvy person like him have a notebook full of places in Sydney? he is being framed for his name," he said.

Another friend posted "Absolutely unbelievable that this is happening to the Kamer we know and love" before adding sympathy toward the family.

Nizamdeen, a Phd student at the University of New South Wales and an alumnus of the St.Thomas College, Preparatory School, Kollupitiya and Asian International School (AIS), was arrested by the New South Wales Police after it had received a tip-off from a colleague regarding a notebook containing ‘symbolic places’ on Thursday.

A former teacher of Kamer, Tania Bartlett told the Daily Mirror that it was " unthinkable" that he would be aligned to such ideology or activity he is suspected of.

" Kamer as I know him could never be capable of such depravity. He is a clever, kind and sensitive and is a fun-loving, food loving boy just as most boys his age and so this is simply unthinkable by me and other teachers, students who know him, have stayed in touch with him. We all pray that the investigation will be thorough and that he will  be cleared of all this" she said.

He was not granted bail with the next hearing set for October 23rd. It is unclear as if he were granted legal representation during the hearing. Media reports said that Nizamdeen had not sought bail.

The brother of Nizamdeen, explaining the statements of the Police reported in the media, said that there was an attempt to mystify the public with vague statements.

"When the media tells you that he travelled to Sri Lanka and ‘other areas’ please understand that ‘other areas’ are not Syria or any war torn region in the Middle East. It is simply the United States of America where he travelled to visit family. When they tell you that they raided his apartment and found ‘Electronic Gadgets’ please note that they are referring to a Phone, Laptop and an Xbox,” he said.

In a final plea to the suspected ‘framer’, Junior Nizamdeen urged that they come forward and ‘tell the truth’.

"To he who has done this and framed my brother I sincerely cannot speak for my parents but I can forgive you. I hope you look deeply into your heart and feel guilt in your horrendous crime. I hope you can find God and that you can have sincere repentance and come out and tell the truth," he said.

The NSW Police earlier allegedly found documents 'containing plans to facilitate terrorism attacks' and a notebook that named a number of locations and individuals as 'potential targets'.

'From the documentation, we believe he would affiliate with ISIS,' Detective Superintendent Mick Sheehy told the media hours after the arrest.

Australian Federal Police detective superintendent Michael McTiernan said the charges laid against Nizamdeen were 'serious and significant'.

“At this stage there is a number of locations and individuals named in that document who are potential targets,” he told reporters on Friday.

However, Bhavan insisted that something remained amiss in the entire saga.

"I know he never believed in any of the crap he is being accused for simply finding a notebook of places," he said going on to state "our best guess is he uncovered something while working with the Government and now he is being framed for it".

The brother of Nizamdeen also extolled the same sentiments.

"He has been falsely accused and as justification of having no conclusive evidence, their motive is to prolong his stay under custody to simply save themselves," the post being circulated on social media said. (Hafeel Farisz)

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