Everyone enjoys freedom but not me: MR

Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday said all citizens tasted the freedom as a result of ending the three decade old war except for him as he cannot travel to any foreign country because the international forces are waiting to press charges against him.

During an event held in Colombo last evening MP Rajapaksa said when he was abroad on several occasions, he and his delegation underwent inconvenience in certain countries.

“When I visited the Commonwealth Summit in Australia in 2011 someone had demanded my arrest charging he lost his children because of me. Then, when I was in England they tried to file a Court case against the people of my delegation,” he said.

He also said that some went to Courts against him when he was in the US. However, the former President said he never complained over these incidents as there was a bigger struggle to develop the nation.

“Even though I did not receive benefits of freedom, at least the country and its people did. Therefore we should take advantage of that and should not let the country to drift towards separatism,” he said.

The former President said ending the war had resulted in reconciliation. “However, today in the name of the reconciliation, some people attempt to split the nation,” he said. (Thilanka Kanakarathna)


Video by Susantha

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