Dilan says MR and CBK are crazy over power

SLFP Spokesman and State Minister of Highways Dilan Perera today claimed that former Presidents Mahinda Rajapaksa and Chandrika Bandaranaike are still lingering crazy over power.

"President Maithripala Sirisena had taught us about the importance of relinquishing of power while former Presidents Mahinda Rajapaksa and Chandrika Bandaranaike are still lingering crazy over power. However, Uva Chief Minister had set aside his designation and come back to the village again," the minister said addressing a meeting held today in Badulla.

"Chandrika Bandaranaike who was President of Sri Lanka twice and a leader of the party recently behaved in an impulsive manner and occupied the chair of the Gampaha District Coordination Committee meeting arbitrarily. She did so because of her crave for power. She would even accept the Mayoralty of the Gampaha Municipality if offered," he said.

The State Minister further said in the presidential election they campaigned for the victory of Mahinda Rajapaksa, but after elected to the presidency Maithripala Sirisena behaved exemplary for all of us by leading the SLFP considering all indifferently.

The former President J.R. Jayawardene promised to set aside the executive powers but he worked extremely and said he is capable of doing anything as the executive president except transforming a man into a woman and vice versa . But Maithripala Sirisena severed most of the power and paved the way for a new political reconciliation in a short period of time.

But Chandrika Bandaranaike and Mahinda Rajapaksa are not willing to be exemplary but they are crazy remain in power forever.

Quote: In the presidential election they campaigned for the victory of Mahinda Rajapaksa, but after elected to the presidency Maithripala Sirisena behaved exemplary for all of us by leading the SLFP considering all indifferently. (Palitha Ariyawansa)


Video by Palitha Ariyawansa

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