Death sentence passed on five policemen after 27 years     Follow

Five Policemen who were indicted in a murder trial had been sentenced to death by Kandy Provincial High Court Judge Sarojanee Kuala Weerawardena presiding at the Panadura Provincial High Court today.

Each accused was also sentenced to six months imprisonment and fined Rs. 5,000 on the second indictment, when they were found guilty of the same.

The Court concluded the police murder case after 27 years on 30th June (Yesterday) and passed the death sentence on each of the five policemen found guilty of committing the murder of Mohammed Mansoor Mohammed Munas by assaulting and shooting him on the first of June 1990 at Bandaragama.

The death sentence was passed on Sub Inspector Mallawarchchige Padmakumar former OIC of the Dombegoda Police Post attached to the Panadura Police Division and Police Sergeant Namal Priyantha, P. Udayakumara, Sarath Kodituwakku and N. M. Premaratne.

They were all attached to the Dombegoda Post when Mohammed Mansoor Mohammed Munas of Atalugama was arrested by them for questioning with regard to a theft of an article.

The Attorney General had filed the indictments on each of the policemen, charging them with assaulting and committing the death of Mohammed Mansoor Munas by shooting him on 1st June 1990.

The Judge pronounced the judgement on 30th June for an hour and stated that the Attorney General had filed this case against the Police officers and indicted each of them on two counts.

The Prosecution led evidence before court regarding the assaulting and shooting case.

It clearly proved that the policemen being members of an unlawful assembly, arrested Mohammed Munas with a common objective to shoot and kill him. The prosecution had proved the indictments against all accused policemen and the Court passed the death sentence on each of the accused on the first indictment, sentencing each of them to six months imprisonment with a fine of Rs. 5,000.

The relations of the accused policemen and policemen of the police stations served by the accused were present in Court when the death sentence was passed on the five policemen by the judge K. V. Indika.

State Counsel prosecuted. Harshana Matararchchi Attorney-at-law defended. (K. S. Fernando)

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