AG 's Dept. makes vital breakthrough in Bond probe     Follow

After listening to several phone conversations taken place between Arjun Aloysius (PTL owner) and Kasun Palisena (PTL CEO), which were previously deleted and missing from PTL's recording system, Attorney General's Department officials late last night have uncovered the vital information about what took place during the controversial February 27, 2015 bond issue and thereafter, sources close to the Presidential Commission of Inquiry on Bond issue told the Daily Mirror yesterday.

According to the sources, these conversations were about how to deal at an auction and how PTL had received inside information.

The contents of these phone conversations between Aloysius and Palisena will be placed before the Commission tomorrow (Wednesday 6) during the cross-examination of Kasun Palisena by the AG, sources also said.

Nuwan Salgado, the chief dealer yesterday submitted the original back up voice recordings to the Commission and thereby, the Attorney General's Officials had started listening to those missing conversations by yesterday evening.

Earlier, the PTL had provided voice recordings stored in its phone recording system but some conversations were found to have missing.

However, in recent testimonies, PTL IT executive, Sachith Devathantri and Chief Dealer of PTL Nuwan Salgado admitted that they had deleted voice recordings on the instructions of Kasun Palisena.(By Shehan Chamika Silva)

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