Following a meeting at Temple Trees it has been agreed that a 25% pay hike be given to employees of the CEB, CPC and the Water Board instead of the previously proposed 18%.
Comments - 11
Comments - 25% pay hike for CEB, CPC and Water Board
mutt Wednesday, 18 January 2012 05:30 AM
no wonder the govt. increased the taxes on dhal(Rs 8) sugar (Rs 5) & garlic by another Rs 15/- :-(
S. Anagath Wednesday, 18 January 2012 05:48 AM
The price increase for Water Electricity and Fuel is now certain
Imran Hussein Wednesday, 18 January 2012 05:49 AM
ha ha ha so gave in? Only big talk, where is that minister who bluffs.
Jude Perera Wednesday, 18 January 2012 06:04 AM
These are loss making organizations so with what funds do they propose to increase salaries by 25%. Is the treasury going to foot the increase and if they do can they afford it. Was it included in the 2011 November budget ?
OR do we have to pay for the increase ?... who is going to increase the salaries of the private sector ?
Fayad Wednesday, 18 January 2012 07:48 AM
Get them to upgrade the service as well.for what they are paid for
Thomas Wednesday, 18 January 2012 10:02 AM
Salary increase and bonus be given only to profit making business undertakings. Workers at loss making undertakings should not request for higher salary or bonus.
Now what if all other Govt servants too ask for a 25% salary increase? Who will pay, it is the tax payers.
gajan99 Wednesday, 18 January 2012 10:09 AM
Don't give them any pay hike.
Nodrog Wednesday, 18 January 2012 10:43 AM
These institutions are losing millions monthly and we have to pay for their pay hikes? Everyone just wants a free ride and not work for ti. Privatize them, like the SLT, and they start to make profits.
Robert Wednesday, 18 January 2012 01:31 PM
The CEB and the CPC employees are presently drawing a thumping salary and there are lot of other departments who do not get a reasonable salary and why not the government stop increasing the salaries of the CEB and CPC and grant increase to the other department employees. Whatever the increase is given it is the peoples blood sucking money and not from the corrupted Politicians. Go to hell.
Gingi aiya Wednesday, 18 January 2012 03:03 PM
not ready to pay more tax ........
shani Wednesday, 18 January 2012 03:18 PM
What should we take from this? When academics ask for a pay rise everyone is angry. But when CEB. CPC and waterboard get a pay rise- no one dares to open their mouths. Does this mean lecturers (degree and most of the time postgraduate degree holders ) getting a gross salary of around Rs 35000.00 and a professor getting a gross salary of around Rs 55000.00 is fare?
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