20 Tigers to be sued for war crimes

Some 20 hardcore LTTE cadres who are alleged to have committed war crimes will be prosecuted within the next six months under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) and Emergency Regulations, thus bringing to a closure the uncertainty over the fate of the detainees.

He said the remaining group was believed to have participated in LTTE military activities because they had no other option but to carry out the dictates of the LTTE under severe threat.

“These LTTE cadres have told investigators that if they did not consent to be recruited as combatants, their entire families would have been killed. They are unwilling participants in the war. Therefore, we have decided to treat them leniently and mercifully whatever the gravity of their offences,” Mr. Gamlath said. “This category which has the largest number of excombatants will be referred for rehabilitation after court proceedings. We expect to be in a position to close the files within six months and end this long simmering matter once and for all.”

He said the investigations were not easy or simple because many LTTE cadres maintained links with the LTTE network and refused to grab the opportunity offered by the government to be rehabilitated.

The government is keen to complete the prosecution and rehabilitation process as soon as possible because the international community especially India is concerned about it. Tamil National Alliance (TNA) leader R. Sambanthan has held several rounds of talks with the government on this matter and is also keen to have the prosecution process expedited.(SAJ)

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