100 dogs imported by Police

Sri Lanka Police have obtained one hundred dogs for the Canine Kennels situated at Asgiriya, Kandy.

The cost of each dog is approximately five lakhs seventy five thousand each and with the transport and other incidental expenditure, it has totalled to around seven hundred and seventy five thousand for each dog according to Police sources.
The dogs are from four countries, namely Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany. They are to be trained as all round 'Canine Detectives', especially in Narcotics and tracking at crime scenes.

According to Dr.Dangolla, these dogs are the best that could be purchased by Sri Lanka for the detection of crime with the aid of these canine detectives.

The dogs were selected from around 240 specimens presented by breeders in these countries.  The selections were done by personal  inspection by Senior Veterinarian Dr.Ashok Dangolle of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Peradeniya accompanied by Assistant Superintendent of Police  Sisira Weerakoon of the Police Kennels at Asgiriya. (L.B.Senaratne)

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