“JVP Parisarawediyo” FB Page is fake - says JVP

JVP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake said today they would lodge a complaint with the CID this afternoon against a fake Facebook Page called “JVP Parisarawediyo” which was cited by the President as publishing fake news.

He told a news conference that the President accused the JVP of spreading false news on environment destruction, citing a Facebook account called “JVP Parisarawediyo” during the “Gama Samaga Pilisandara” programme yesterday.

Mr. Dissanayake said they were aware of this fake FB Page which was publishing photos of environment destruction in other countries and added that it was a move to suppress the environment destruction in Sri Lanka.

He said the JVP would request the CID in its complaint to investigate and reveal as to who was behind creating  the so-called Facebook account, when it was created and who funded it. (Ajith Siriwardana)

Pix by Damith Wickramasinghe

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