Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Less Sensitive Times

02 Jun 2023 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Reading international newspapers, watching TV talk shows and the news daily, one begins to wonder whether anything else goes on in this world apart from the war in Ukraine and other forms of violence reported from many countries.  Last week I watched the Schofield scandal, about a TV presenter, and all the backlash that came with it. Most countries seem to take such harassment cases seriously but there are some nations that seem to sweep such incidents under the carpet. 

The sad part of being politically correct and other related consequences that come along with it have stopped all the fabulous comedy TV which we were fortunate to have watched. British comedy used to be so hilarious, TV shows, such as Little Britain, Friends, Brass Eye, Game On, Come Fly With Me and many other super comedy series are now considered politically incorrect.

Having to be PC will definitely destroy the history of humankind and their funny stories, jokes and anecdotes, which have been based at the expense of peoples’ characters. We are now in an era where it has to be straight comedy and not poking fun at anyone else. Comedy is entering a very boring era. 

Thankfully to YouTube, TikTok etc., old clips and parts of the comedies I used to watch in my era are available online.  They keep me in hysterics when I watch them at night to have a laugh and get to bed instead of watching all the horrid things happening around us and having nightmares throughout the night.

People born in the 1950s to the 1970s have had the best of lives, I believe, even though we in our country had to undergo some tough times.  We were accustomed to these and did not know any better as we were restricted from travelling abroad and unaware of so called luxury items.  Us city people have now got used to all of this over a short period and now fuss about the quality of everything, from hotel rooms to food, clothing, household items; basically about everything around us, including that we cannot purchase a dozen eggs in a hurry currently.  A friend from Australia was utterly amused to see me running into about a dozen supermarkets looking for eggs with no positive result. My friend, who had left for Australia many years ago during the hard times had a good laugh, said “nothing has changed, has it ??”

Fortunately, our Paradise Isle has not got too politically correct, which is great. I do hope it remains so as life would be boring otherwise.  The lifespan of any scandal taking place over here is very short and fast forgotten, only to remain as a piece of gossip for a good laugh at the next get together.