Daily Mirror - Print Edition


19 May 2023 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

It was a hilarious afternoon at Trixie’s when she inquired from us on how to block numbers on her WhatsApp account.  Naturally, all of us were curious as to why.  “It is all these horrible messages being forwarded to me,” she said.  “First, you read most of it in the daily newspapers, then hear it on the local news, then comes the forwarded messages about the country’s political situation and the politicians’ shenanigans.” Trixie said that she had just had enough of this and went on to say, “the funniest part is that the people forwarding all of these messages are bedfellows with all the racketeers in town, aiding and abetting them in all of their shenanigans, and then pretending to be pure and sanctimonious.”

Trixie certainly had a point. If we are at a function of a few dozen people, you may spot at least one or two of the guests who have been in remand for some criminal offence. There they are chatting away with all and sundry as if they have never done any wrong in their lives. It is also notable that many love to hang out with them as they have money and also maybe able to help them sort out some of the problems they have. Gone are the days when such people were shunned and not accepted in society. The passport to all of this is having money, a free pass to all of these friendships. It  actually seems like  a qualification to be incarcerated to be invited to events. The hilarious part is everybody at these functions are surreptitiously observing the fashion brands they are sporting, especially watches, jewellery and other accessories, to simply state “why cannot they afford to have all of these luxuries when they have pilfered or have been involved in some racket.”  There are instances where such people have been photographed on the sly and the photographs circulated to all 
and sundry.

One is never short of entertainment in this city with all of these shenanigans. Trixie does not want to be part of it and wishes to lead a quiet life till it is time to depart.  She only wanted to block all those who kept forwarding her malicious messages whilst hob-nobbing with them and enjoying their largesse and all the while forwarding information that can be gleaned from the media.

“The funniest part is that the people forwarding all of these messages are bedfellows with all the racketeers in town, aiding and abetting them in all of their shenanigans...”