Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Akilesh Mirthika Epa

15 May 2023 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Today on the Buzz,  I speak to a young Fashionista who is making a name for himself in the US for his spark on the ramp. New York Fashion Week is a dream for many, but for little Akilash, it’s now second nature. Living in Texas he has been walking the ramp and doing shows all over the US.
Today I sit with him and his mother Sureka, to speak about this experience and what he hopes to do in the future.

Who saw that you had it in you?

I have to say its my mom. She always knew that I had  potential.

Tell me about the experience walking the ramp?

For me it was a wonderful experience . I got to meet so many people from different states and countries.

How was the 1st show?

I was nervous but it all went away the moment I stepped up on the ramp. My first show was in 2022. It was a successful show. After that I got an invitation from a designer for my second show, it was in Disneyworld in Florida. Beginning of 2023 I walked in NYFW , it was amazing.

Would you like to continue modelling?

I Like to continue modelling as a hobby. I will have the opportunity to immerse myself into an exciting environment where I will meet new people.

Who is your all time favourite model?

Lucky Blue Smith , he is an American fashion model, actor and musician.

How do you manage school and your new found love for the runway ?

I give  priority to my studies. The shows I do, they are on the weekends so I don’t miss school. At school I am in this group, its called GT  (Gifted and talented) And my parents help me alot to manage my time. 

Do you follow a fitness routine?

Yes I do. I  eat healthy. I do  push ups, pull ups and 10 minutes on the balance board and stretching. I try to do  this every day.

What would be your dream Designer to work with and walk the ramp for?

Gucci, that will be my dream designer to walk for.



Pix Courtesy: Akilesh