Daily Mirror - Print Edition

75 years of Diplomacy

14 Jun 2023 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

It was an excellent idea for the Foreign Ministry to celebrate 75 years of Diplomacy by promoting international harmony with an evening of Orchestral music. Infinitely better than having extravagant celebrations at a time when many people are suffering. All Diplomats representing their respective countries here were invited as well as Consuls. The music was  by the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka. The event was held at the Lionel Wendt and there were other guests too . Anyone who wished to do so, could give donations  at the event for The Lady Ridgeway Hospital. The orchestra was conducted by Dhusyanthi Perera and and Nishantha Warnakulasuriya and led by Nilupul Silva. Many prominent musicians including  Menaka de Fonseka Sahabandu and Ramya de Livera  Perera  were among those who played the violin. The guests were welcomed by Foreign Secretary Aruni Wijewardene who with her wide experience in diplomacy made an excellent speech. The Music chosen was by famous composers.