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Planetary positions that augur well or forebode ill for children, self and husband

23 Feb 2018 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      



It is inauspicious for children if the lord of the 5th House in the horoscope of a female is associated with a malefic or is in the 5th House. 

If the lord of the 5th House occupies the 9th house, she gives birth to sons who would bring honour to the family and the country. 

 A woman would have great sons if the Sun is the lord of the 5th House and is occupying the 9th House. 

If Mars is exalted in the 7th House while receiving the special aspect of Jupiter or Venus she would be a charming and disciplined wife. 

If Mars is debilitated in the 7th House and is receiving the aspect of a malefic planet, the husband would not live long. If the Moon is exalted in the horoscope of a female, she would have a charming demeanor and disposition. 

Very auspicious combinations causing Rajayoga for husband. 

If Jupiter is in the Lagna, the Moon is in the 7th, and Venus in the 10th House, she would be the wife of a wealthy person even if she had been born into a poor family. 

A woman would command political power if the quadrants (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Houses) are occupied by benefics and the 7th happens to be a masculine sign. 

If Jupiter is well placed in the Shadvargas and is receiving the special aspect of the Moon, the husband would be a Minister of State or a holder of a very high office like the Head of State. 
Gemini as the Ascendant conjunct with the Moon and with Sun in the 11th House and Mercury in the 10th House produce a Rajayoga for the husband.

The lords of the 7th and 8th House occupying the 8th House with malefics in the horoscope of a female lead to widowhood. 

The husband would die early if the lord of the 7th House is conjunct with Saturn and is aspected by Mars.

The widowhood is in store if Rahu and the Moon occupy the 8th House while receiving the aspect of malefic planets. 

Husband would die if the lords of the 1st and 8th houses occupy the 8th while receiving the aspect of malefic planets.

Early widowhood is indicated if the 7th House and its lord are between two or more evil planets without beneficial aspects.