Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Failure to provide uninterrupted electricity for A/L students Contempt of Court application by HRCSL against CEB Chairman dismissed

11 Feb 2023 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

By Lakmal Sooriyagoda

A contempt of court application filed by Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) against the Chairman of the Ceylon Electricity Board for failing to comply with the settlement to provide uninterrupted electricity for A/L students during the exam period was yesterday dismissed by the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court three-judge-bench comprising Justices Gamini Amarasekara, Kumudini Wickremasinghe and Shiran Gooneratne held that there is no sufficient material to frame charges against the CEB Chairman.
The HRCSL had alleged that the respondents have violated the provisions of the settlement arrived at before the commission with regard to the continuous supply of power during the period pertaining to the Advanced Level Examination, commencing from January 23 to February 17. 2023. However, the Supreme Court held that the Court does not see that there was clear agreement as stated in the Certificate.

The Supreme Court observed that the Advance level examinations would have been scheduled many weeks ago when power interruptions were already in force and these problems could have been foreseen by the relevant authorities including some of the other Respondents.

“The last moment dramas to find solutions which lack legal validity and propriety only allow some to capitalize on the public emotions for their personal gains while causing harm to the faith the people have on the institutions they respect,” the Supreme Court further observed.