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SJB demands Scotland Yard probe into Easter Sunday attacks amidst UNHRC sessions

12 Sep 2023 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

By Yohan Perera  

Amid growing uncertainty surrounding investigations into the Easter Sunday attacks, the main opposition party, the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), has made a compelling demand for the engagement of Scotland Yard to probe the Channel 4 disclosures and the entire tragic incident.  

Speaking at a media briefing, SJB MP Kavinda Jayawardana underscored the limitations of retired judges and Parliament in unearthing the truth behind the Easter Sunday attacks. He urged President Ranil Wickremesinghe to uphold his commitment to involve Scotland Yard in the investigation, emphasizing the need for an impartial and credible inquiry.  

“The government must ensure that the investigation into the Easter Sunday attacks maintains its credibility. Therefore, it is imperative that President Wickremesinghe fulfills his promise to enlist the expertise of Scotland Yard,” MP Jayawardana insisted, emphasizing that neither retired judges nor the legislative body possess the authority to levy penalties in connection with the Easter Sunday attacks.  

Sri Lanka has entered a crucial phase as sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) have commenced. These sessions are set to deliberate on various pressing matters, including the controversial Channel 4 video footage, the Easter Sunday attacks, and concerns within the healthcare sector that have raised questions about the rights of Sri Lankan citizens. Opposition MP Samanpriya Herath has taken the matter to Geneva to address the healthcare crisis in Sri Lanka with the UNHRC.  

Adding to the discourse, former MP Mujibur Rahman, who joined the press conference, raised concerns about the government’s approach to the Channel 4 video. He pointed out the discrepancy between the Defence Secretary’s dismissal of allegations made by Channel 4 and President Wickremesinghe’s commitment to establish a commission of retired judges to investigate the matter.