Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Massive crocodile captured in Induruwa

27 May 2024 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

  • 15 ft crocodile captured using baited cage

By J. Induruwage

A massive crocodile, said to be 15 feet long, which often ventured onto land and fed on dogs in the Yaleama area in Induruwa, was captured by Wildlife Conservators over the weekend.

Residents of the area said they had been living in constant fear of potential danger to their lives from the crocodile and had informed the Divisional Secretariat about the impending threat.

The Warden of Hikkaduwa National Park said they placed a cage in the river with bait for several days until it was caught on Saturday night (25). He added that the crocodile would be released into Bundala National Park today.