Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Chandrika not a member of SLFP: Acting Secretary

09 Apr 2024 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

MP Mithrapala, emphasized that Ms. Chandrika was not involved in the activities of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and accused her of attempting to create a new party under the guise of the SLFP
Acting Secretary of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party MP Sarathi Dushmantha Mitrapala, said that Mrs. Chandrika Bandaranaike is not a member of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and has recently been associated with the New Lanka Freedom Party.  Addressing a press conference in Colombo yesterday MP Mithrapala, emphasized that Ms. Chandrika was not involved in the activities of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and accused her of attempting to create a new party under the guise of the SLFP. He further stated that if Duminda Dissanayake himself confirms that Ms. Chandrika is not a member of the SLFP’s Politburo, then such an individual would not be eligible to provide advice to the Politburo.