Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Arrested with deer horns and guns

15 May 2024 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

 By Hiran Priyankara   
A poacher who had in his possession a stock of deer horns, trap guns and several other items used for hunting was arrested by the wildlife conservators from the Karuwalgaswewa range during a raid on a house in Puttalam.  

Wildlife conservators had carried out the raid with the help of the STF on intelligence received from the Air Force in Palaviya.  

Investigations revealed that the suspect killed wild animals and sold them to hotels and that the racket had been going on for quite sometime.  

A team of wildlife conservators under Range Conservator D. Ramasinghe had carried out the raid with the help of the STF from Puttalam, The suspect was to be produced before the Puttalam magistrate.