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Rocket Internet firm everjobs to expand in Sri Lanka

20 Feb 2016 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

everjobs Sri Lanka Country Manager and MD, Felix Lienau, Head of Business Development, Venkat Lyengar, Asia Regional CEO, Gijs Verhijke and Asia Regional Head of Marketing and PR, Sara Marron Garcia 

By Zahara Zuhair
everjobs, a career listings platform, celebrated its first year of operation in Sri Lanka recently. It also announced the companies future plans in order to further expand business.
In a bid to further boost the medium and small scale sectors, the company expects to expand job opportunities to smaller cities and towns across 
the country.
The Berlin-based company, backed by Rocket Internet, currently has a database of over 35,000 registered job seekers and over 2,500 employers in 
Sri Lanka. 

While calling Sri Lanka a fantastic market and highly economical , everjobs Sri Lanka Head of Business Development, Venkat Lyengar said that they are not only focusing on white collar jobs but the larger market in blue collar jobs as well. 
Mainly job seekers register with the portal from IT, financial  services and tourism sectors, he said. The company expects to expand rapidly as internet penetration grows while establishing a strong presence in the online jobs market.

Sharing his views with Mirror Business, the recently appointed CEO for the Asia region, Gijs Verhijke said that they would be mainly targeting the tourism sector which is growing fast, technology, construction, health care sectors and consumer goods. When asked about the reason to choose Sri Lanka after Myanmar, Bangladesh and Cambodia in the Asian region, he said that they saw Sri Lanka as a potential country for  multiple reasons.
“It is sizeable, education quality is very high, literacy is one of the highest in the world, internet is exploring” he said.

While being optimistic about the future in Sri Lanka, he said that they have already received very positive responses from  here compared to other countries. “The response is very very positive” he said.
Verhijke noted that compared to other job portals, they use advanced technology and the outlook of the website looks very simple. 

He added that people could create profiles and directly apply to companies though their site.
Responding to a question at the news conference regards to  protests staged by the unemployed university graduates time to time , he said that it is not because of the lack of jobs but it is about finding the right match  for both employers and candidates. He noted that they have already moved to the universities so the graduates could find jobs easily as mobile adaption is biggest among them.
In addition, the website includes features such as how to create a perfect CV,  tips for finding a job and recruiting, which is certainly going be an useful platform for job seekers as well as the companies.