Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Sri Lanka will suffer if Israel-Iran conflict escalates: Ruwan

20 Apr 2024 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

Colombo, April 20 (Daily Mirror)- Small nations like Sri Lanka will be adversely affected if the current conflict between Israel and Iran escalates, Presidential Advisor Ruwan Wijewardene said today.

"Nations like Sri Lanka will be adversely affected if the conflict between Iran and Israel escalates as such a scenario could result in soaring fuel prices," Wijewardene told a New Year gathering in Biyagama today.

"President Ranil Wickremesinghe will take this matter up with his Iranian counterpart Ibrahim Raisi when he visits Sri Lanka later this month," he added.

Meanwhile Wijewardene hinted that some SJBers are expected to attend the UNP May Day rally in Panchikahawatte.

"Wait and see who from the SJB will join us on May 1st," he said. 

He refuted claims by the SJB that the government is trying to prevent it from having its May Day rally at a prominent venue. 

"The SJB leadership should speak to the Colombo Municipal Council and the police about such a venture. The party should understand that institutions such as the police look into important aspects such as preventing clashes among parties during May Day processions," added Ruwan Wijewardene.