Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Inquiry on visa scam: CoPF decides not to divulge information

09 May 2024 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      

By Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana 

Parliament, May 09 (Daily Mirror)- The Committee on Public Finance (CoPF) has decided not to temporarily divulge any details on the visa fiasco because of its sensitive nature, CoPF Chairman Harsha de Silva said today.

"The examination of the Sri Lanka visa outsourcing contract began at the CoPF in Parliament today. We will meet again on 14 May to continue the discussions. As Chair of the committee, this is all we wish to state to the media, given the ongoing sensitive nature of the matter," Dr. de Silva said. 

Dr. de Silva told the Daily Mirror that he will comment and reveal details on the visa scam only after May 14. 

Also, he said the Controller General of Immigration and Emigration was asked to look into the breech of personal data. He did not divulge details on it as well.